Playtype Concept Store

Danish type foundry Playtpe has opened a street level type concept store, called, yes, the Playtype Concept Store. Not only do they sell their fonts, but also all kinds of other typographic products.

I can’t wait to visit it next time I’m in Copenhagen.

Here’s a blurb describing the store:
The Playtype™ Concept Store was launched in conjunction with the revamp and redesign of Located in Copenhagen’s Vesterbro, the store is the physical manifestation of the online shop — and then some. Created as a place to further our typographic practice, the store provides a street level entry to typography — it is a place to share our passion with the general public and a place where our designers can experiment with their craft outside of the studio. Aside from type, the store continuously features new editions, events and products created by e-Types alongside friends and colleagues in the design and art world.

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